If you have some extra cash laying around that you can devote to an entry-level condenser, check out our full list. If you’re looking for a solid budget studio mic: Mic Selectionįor those of us on a budget and wanting versatility for use in and out of the studio: Buying through any of the links below will earn me a small commission at no extra charge to you. Much of your selection will depend on how much you can afford, and how much you’re willing to pay for high-quality recordings.įull Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
If not, there are tons of great microphones and accessories online.
If you already have all the hardware you need, just skip to Step 2. Note: You must have FL Studio Producer Edition or higher to record audio and vocals. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to record vocals in FL Studio to give your track a unique sound. Vocal samples are one solution, but sometimes spending hours finding the right fit or the right lyrics just isn’t practical. Some tracks will sound empty without them, like something is missing. Vocals can add an organic touch to any track, and can really drive home the idea and message your song sends.